NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

do not touch me, 2023

200 x 2.5 cm

3d printed objects, video loop

In an attempt to see communication moments between the human and non-human bodies, the work is created in the form of a video installation, combining a video loop and objects. The theoretical part of the work consists of 3 chapters. The first describes and defines the types, agency and origin of bodies. In the second part, I focus on electrical philosophy and the connection to my research object – an electrical cable. In the third part I turn to visual language solutions combining objects, video and creative text and narrative techniques. The thesis seeks answers to the questions of how to communicate with non-human bodies, what their consent would look like, and how, in practice, to level out the hierarchical relationships between human and non-human bodies. The practice section is focused on the communication moments between the two types of bodies and finds that for non-human body the shape is no longer as essential as its potential energy within (light) visually used to create a video loop at the end. The body of an electrical cable does not, in itself, form a moment of communication, but it is the white, illuminated light area where I see the moment of communication as it is free from precise and visible meanings creating the point of void where communication opportunities to be. The viewer perceives it with a look. The work participated in the graduation exhibition “Breaststroke, Backstroke, Butterfly”, Skolas 18, Riga.



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The Walker  
1.4 x 2 cm