NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

The Walker, 2021

1.4 x 2 cm

digital print on cotton, leather imitation, embroidery, appliqué 

Work itself consists of 2 parts – a series of photo collages (5 images, size – 1.4x2m, digital print on cotton) depicting the character of an urban legend The Walker and its proportions compared to the real environment; the second part consists of a book (size – 8.5x17cm, leather imitation, embroidery and appliqué) depicting interaction and relationships between the character and a human being. Urban legend is an often lurid story, based on hearsay purporting to involve someone vaguely related to the teller and it contains lesson a teller or a listener should heed. Truth in an urban legend are not so important as it contains beliefs and prejudices of the respective society instead. The graduation work is devoted to the analysis of an urban legend, how its consisting elements interact with each other creating a story, and reasoning behind creation and supporting of urban legends despite of the rationality of today’s world and decision making.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


do not touch me - Kintija Avena
do not touch me  
200 x 2.5 cm