NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

What is art? Baby don’t hurt me, 2020

999 x 999 cm
See töö on ära ostetud

Canon A1 Boardcopier, Whiteboard marker, A4 paper The work asks the audience what art is? The audience may then respond by writing or painting whatever they feel corresponds to their beliefs. The resulting copy is then pinned to the wall and after the exhibition copied together with the others on the same machine forming a small publication. Due to my concerns with regards to contagion risks the work wont be displayed in public until such risks have been minimized. For now available as a documentation video exemplifying the work in action. Actor: Catarina Rutström, Cinematographer: Ingemar Rutström. Available here,

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Gold of the gaps - Jan Christoffer Rutström
Gold of the gaps  
12 x 10 cm
Hair of the dog - Jan Christoffer Rutström
Hair of the dog  
20 x 7 cm
Hold my beard - Jan Christoffer Rutström
Hold my beard  
20 x 7 cm


A buzzing of fascina - Jan Christoffer Rutström
A buzzing of fascina  
999 x 999 cm


Clap(with reverberation)/simple_music - Jan Christoffer Rutström
Clap(with reverberation)/simple_music  
100 x 100 cm
Side-step critique and repeat - Jan Christoffer Rutström
Side-step critique and repeat  
100 x 100 cm