NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

NOBA at Viinistu Art Museum

Viinistu Art HarbourOn the Estonian northern coast, deep into the Gulf of Finland, where the ancient Viking trade routes began their journey to the East, lies a rugged green peninsula. Filled to the brim with rivers, lakes, and wild old forests, teeming with deer, boar and wolves that habit one …

Nordic & Baltic Young Artist Award

In 2016, NOAR launched a unique competition in the Baltic art scene with the aim to boost the professional activities of the best graduates of Fine Arts in Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian art academies, while introducing the young talents from all three countries to wider public. In 2018, Uniarts Helsinki  joined the …

Art Week

Art Week is a one-of-a-kind festival in the heart of the city involving all contemporary art genres and representing artists mostly from Estonia, but also from neighbouring countries.The festival incorporates various art events, intriguing and educational discussions, exciting workshops and at times unbelievable performances in various locations all over the …

Street Artist Edward von Lõngus (R)estart Reality

Aastal 2018 sai publik kaasa elada ühele märgilisemale Eestist väljapoole suunatud kaasaegse kunsti tuurile, kus Eesti tuntuim tänavakunsti artist Edward von Lõngus lõi ööpimeduses 11. erinevasse Euroopa pealinna Eestit tutvustavad teosed. Teosed tegi ainulaadseks digitaalne lahendus, mis võimaldas vaatajatel kujutise mobiilseadme abil elama panna. Pävisime projekti eest Välisministeeriumi kultuuripreemia. (R)estart Reality 

Tallinn Biennial

The Tallinn Biennial has grown organically from Tallinn Art Week which took place for the first time in 2016. Over the years, the needs and goals of this art festival have changed from which Tallinn Art Week was renamed to Tallinn Biennial with the additional aim to focus more on …

Art as part of SmartEnCity Tartu project

The smart city project SmartEnCity has started in Tartu. Its goal is to make the city environment smart and sustainable, to inspire people to make environmentally conscious decisions and to be easily replicable in other European cities as well. The key activity in the project is renovating the old Soviet apartment …