NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The smart city project SmartEnCity has started in Tartu. Its goal is to make the city environment smart and sustainable, to inspire people to make environmentally conscious decisions and to be easily replicable in other European cities as well. The key activity in the project is renovating the old Soviet apartment buildings in the Tartu downtown area into energy-efficient and modern houses.

The pilot area includes 42 apartment buildings, approximately 20 of which will be renovated. Even buildings that have already been partially renovated can join the project. A majority decision during a housing association meeting is required to join.

A large-scale renovation of the apartment buildings is one of the key requirements of the project (this includes insulating the building envelope, constructing forced air ventilation and central water heating systems, etc.) in line with the standards of zero energy buildings. All the houses will also be equipped with solar panels to produce renewable energy. The renovation works must be completed by the end of the year 2019.

Art on and around the pilot area buildings

The apartment buildings will also be made visually attractive. Every building façade or building surroundings will receive a unique artwor, (usually a mural but also sculptures and other art installations are possible) that will:

When choosing the artwork, the artist, the expert project art curator and building residents will decide together on the suitable art piece.

Other smart city project activities

In addition to renovations and smart home solutions, the smart city project will also entail innovative solutions in district heating, transport, street lighting, renewable energy use and will emphasize citizen engagement and awareness raising. Electric vehicle charging points and electric bicycle and vehicle rental stations will be installed in the smart city district (pilot area) as well.

For more information, visit the project Facebook page at

Or the project webpage at

Juba valminud teosed:

Kalevi 10
“Värav Karlovasse”
Autor: Katrin Piile
Teostaja: Piiritus kunstnikerühmitus
Pepleri 10
“Naine linnuga”
Autor: Andrus Peegel
Teostaja: Piiritus kunstnikerühmitus
Turu 9
Autor: Andris Vitolinš
Teostaja: Piiritus kunstnikerühmitus
Tiigi 21
“Kolm neidu”
Autor: Evelin Zolotko ft Elmar Kits
Teostaja: Evelin Zolotko
Pepleri 12
Autor: Siiri Jüris
Teostaja: Piiritus kunstnikerühmitus
Pepleri 3
Autor: Seikon
Teostaja: Seikon
Tähe 2
Autor: Animalitoland
Teostaja: Animalitoland
Aleksandri 3
Autor: Mare Vint
Teostaja: Andra Orn ja Triin Kriu
Turu 3
“Kodu rütmid”
Autor: Marje Üksine
Teostaja: Andra Orn ja Triin Kriu
Kuperjanovi 2
“Kompositsioon kukkuva jäätisega”
Autor: Jevgeni Zolotko
Teostaja: Jevgeni Zolotko ja Evelin Zolotko
Tiigi 3
Autor ja teostaja: Markus Kasemaa
Aleksandri 12
Autor: Mall Nukke / Teostaja: Edgar Tedresaar ja kunstnikerühmitus Piiritus
Kalevi 8
“Aeg I”
Autor: Vello Vinn
Teostaja ja uustõlgenduse autor: Edgar Tedresaar ja kunstnikerühmitus Piiritus
Tiigi 19
“Lihvitud teemant”
Autor: Art Allmägi