NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

In 2016, NOAR launched a unique competition in the Baltic art scene with the aim to boost the professional activities of the best graduates of Fine Arts in Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian art academies, while introducing the young talents from all three countries to wider public. In 2018, Uniarts Helsinki  joined the project and the prize were renamed Nordic & Baltic Young Artist Award. In 2019, the competition continues to expand – representative from Oslo University of Art takes a seat in the international jury.

The competition gives a good overview of the latest trends in the region’s contemporary art scene. The winner of Grand Prix is selected by the international jury and is awarded with a monetary prize of 2000€. In addition, the public can vote for their favourite artist online – Public Choice award winner receives a monetary prize of 500€. 

The competition is led by NOAR in tight cooperation with art academies from Lithuania,Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Norway.

Winners of the Grand Prix:

2016 – Juhan Soomets (EE)

2017 – Katrina Čemme (LV) 

2018 – Elina Vitola (LV)


Watch an interview with Elina Vitola, winner of Nordic & Baltic Young Artist Award competition Grand Prix in 2018.

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