NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Makasiinien palo, 2020

34 x 999 cm

Ceramics: stoneware, glazes, ceramic decals, luster The work title “Makasiinien palo” translates loosely to “The fire of the Railway warehouse.” In this work, a young couple is sharing a tender moment. The girl in the pink shirt has a hickey on her neck, and the other character has a t-shirt with imagery depicting the burning warehouse. The conserved railroad warehouse burnt down in 2006. Many young people were suspected of arsen at the time. In this artwork I wanted to communicate the way people I knew reacted to the fire back-in-the-day; it was a spectacle, dangerous and intriguing. The installation Kaikki nuoret tyypit / All the young dudes is an nostalgic homage to a public park situated in Helsinki, located between the Museum of contemporary art Kiasma and the Parliament House. The work takes place approximately in year 2005, when this park, titled “Kiasman nurtsi” (which translates to: “Kiasma’s lawn”) was a common place to hang out for young people: especially people identifying with different subcultures. The park had a unique group of users and was somewhat known throughout the country in the alternative scene. This work was a part of my MFA degree show installation held in Exhibition Laboratory, Helsinki, October 2020. Image credit: Veera Konsti.

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