NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Art and business world are not always considered as most tacit partners. Nordic & Baltic Young Artist Award on the other hand joins emerging artist, art academies and business leaders together aiming to support young talents at the first steps of their careers’. Why should one support young artists and who are their favourites, Janis Loze from Loze & Partners and Juris Grišins from Capitalia, supporters of Nordic & Baltic Young Artist Award, share their views.

How did you become an art lover?

Janis Loze: When I was a student, I was very active at the University of Latvia’s Student Organisation and I helped organise several artist’ events at the University’s Main Hall. Therefore, I was able to meet several artists and I started to like their general alternative outlook on life.

Juris Grišins: My first attraction is to interesting and unique architecture. Often modern art is displayed in interesting concept buildings and hence is how I started discovering and following it.

What is your favourite kind of art and what keeps you engaged in the field?

Juris Grišins: I like paintings as the form the most. It seems to be also the most practical.

There are all the time new and interesting artists emerging, while experienced professionals are re-inventing their styles. It is very interesting to keep track of how artists are developing their approaches and to discover new emerging artists.

Janis Loze: I prefer contemporary art.

Who are your favourite artists and why?

Janis Loze: I don’t have any specific artists as there are so many of them and it truly is difficult to pick a favourite – names such as Andris Vītoliņš, Vineta Kaulača, Flēra Bīrmane, Ritums Ivanovs, Daiga Krūze, Inga Meldere, Harijs Brants, Ģirts Muižnieks, Barbara Gaile, Andris Eglītis, Kristiāns and Patricija Brektes and many many others come to mind. I also like Estonian artists – August Künnapu,  Maarit Murka– but, unfortunately my knowledge regarding  the art scene in neighbouring countries is not as deep. Whenever I go abroad or when we have our law firm’s annual trip, we visit the contemporary art galleries in whichever place we travel to, be it in Barcelona, Rome, London or elsewhere.

Juris Grišins: So far I have been focusing my interest only on Latvian artists. From the young ones my favourite is Zane Tuča – I like the moods her artworks bring out.


Why do you support young talents and artist?

Janis Loze: Supporting art is one of the ways in how we can participate in the growth of the society’s overall understanding and enjoyment of culture and art as such, and it is even more important for young artists, who are only at the start of their career.

Juris Grišins: First steps in the career are often the most difficult and challenging. I want to help to encourage being artist as a profession.


Have you voted in the public voting of NBYAA and for who did you vote for?

Janis Loze:Yes, I have – but I won’t say, who I voted for J

Juris Grišins: Same like with politics, I will keep my vote to myself J


Why do you consider NBYAA is important for our region?

Janis Loze: One of the reasons why this contest is very important is the fact it is a regional event. It gives us and the artists the opportunity to see, compare and share the experience and work with other colleagues. Contests such as this are essential for the whole region and this is exactly why our law firm is very glad to be able to support it.

Juris Grišins: First, a competitive push could be a good motivator for young artists. But cross-border events also allow both the artists to access wider audiences, work on their network in the region and boost higher general interest in the field of art. As a graduate of pan-Baltic university and a manager of pan-Baltic company, I have personally greatly felt the benefits of expanding my view from local to regional environment.


Flera Birmane work in Loze & Partners office