NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

In the selection of the audience favourite for the Spring Exhibition, 834 votes were cast this time. Art supporters Riivo Anton, Aivar Berzin, Jaan Manitski, Tiit Pruuli and Rain Tamm sponsored a prize of 6,000 euros for the winner of the audience vote, which was awarded at the prize ceremony.

Siim-Tanel Annus is widely known as one of the most prominent performance artists in Estonia, who also works in print art, painting and photography. He studied art at Tõnis Vint’s private studio and art history at the University of Tartu. Along with Jaan Toomik and Raoul Kurvitz, Annus was one of the first Estonian representatives at the Venice Biennale in 1997. The winning artwork, Ukrainian Spring 2024, depicts the artist’s state of mind in the current world.

 The Spring Exhibition can be viewed for three final days at the Tallinn Art Hall’s Lasnamäe Pavilion.

The exhibition showcases works by Siim-Tanel Annus, Maria Erikson, Mauri Gross, Alexei Gordin, Aksel Haagensen and Ulvi Haagensen, Kärt Hammer, Gerda Hansen, Elize Hiiop, Mirjam Hinn, Madlen Hirtentreu, Heleliis Hõim, Hedi Jaansoo, Liina Kalvik, Merle Kannus, Erki Kasemets, Tiiu Kirsipuu, Paul Kormashov, Aime Kuulbusch-Mölder, Toomas Kuusing, Meiu Münt, Laivi, Maria Lapteva Sidljarevitch, Peeter Laurits, Krista Leesi, Heikki Leis, Lisette Lepik, Philiph A. Luik, Liia Lüdig-Algvere, Herkki-Erich Merila, Aarne Mesikäpp, Johanna Mudist, Mall Nukke, Jüri Ojaver, Terje Ojaver, Tõnis Paberit, Rait Prääts, Enn Põldroos, Tiit Pääsuke, Marion Saarik, Rain Saarik, Sander Raudsepp, Sten Saarits, Gea Sibola-Hansen, Taavi Suisalu, Angela Soop, Marleen Suvi, Tiina Tammetalu, Mari-Liis Tammi-Kelder, Erika Tammpere, Erik Teemägi, Ruudu Ulas, Marta Vaarik, Alo Valge, Uru Valter (Ats Kruusing, Eke Ao Nettan and Erik Hõim) and Danel Ülper. Also represented are art galleries Art & Tonic, Artrovert, Kogo and Tütar.

The works exhibited at the Spring Exhibition were selected by a jury consisting of the exhibition designer Kaarel Eelma, Tallinn Art Hall project manager Madli Ehasalu, ARS Art City representative Indrek Köster, and Hobusepea and Draakon Galleries representative Anna Mari Liivrand. A total of 252 artists submitted their works for the competition, of which 55 were selected.

More info

The Spring Exhibition 2024 was produced in collaboration with the Estonian Artists’ Association.

Further information:
Madli Ehasalu
Project Manager of Tallinn Art Hall
+372 5621 8422

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