NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

This spring, for the first time Vilnius Academy of Arts presetned the public show of its students‘ final artworks. The VDA Graduation Show was the first opportunity to see the artworks of the entire VDA 2023 graduates’ cohort, scattered around the VDA spaces and various galleries in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda and Telšiai.

The show offered a unique opportunity to meet the next generation of young artists, designers, architects, restorers and art critics and to discover the latest trends in contemporary art and design. The exhbition followed the principle of “student to student”. The VDA students of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Fine Arts Studies and Curatorship are curating the event under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Elona Lubytė. 

From 2 to 16 June, the Academy had its entire premises open – from classrooms to basements – through collaboration with art museums and galleries. During the two weeks, visitors were able check out more than 300 art projects representing different artistic study programs.

Read more about the show and check out the list of graduates.

Check out the photo gallery by Meriem Kimmer.