NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Starting from this Thursday, 30 September Riga Last Thursdays kicks off inviting people to explore various art galleries in Riga in one evening.

12 contemporary art galleries in Rīga have come together with the idea of staying open late on the last Thursday of every month, offering an opportunity for visitors to go for a gallery crawl in one evening. Similar to the concept of Baltā Nakts, the event will offer a chance to familiarise oneself with the current art scene and have fun exploring what the contemporary artists, makers and creators are working on.

As for many visiting galleries during the day due to other commitments is not possible, the organisers hope that late openings once a month could become a new tradition to be marked in the calendar. 

Organised by Elen Šalina, curator at M/Gallery, Rīga Last Thursdays will premiere on 30th September for its trial run. The first run of participants include: 427, Ag, Aminori, DOM, ISSP, Look!, Low gallery, M/Gallery, Māksla XO, PILOT, Rīgas Augstākā Galerija, Tu jau zini Kur.

Read more about the programme