NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Fahle Gallery is opening the “Project MOMENTUM. Paintings, video, and text” by Raoul Kurvitz Friday, 23th of September at 19:00. One work will be presented before the exhibition opening exclusively in NOAR.

Project MOMENTUM embodies three episodes: first episode, MOMENTUM I will be presented with exhibition opening this Friday. Episodes MOMENTUM II and MOMENTUM III will reach the audience this autumn.

Raoul Kurvitz is better known by he’s monumental performances, and installations, as well as by video- and audio projects. Still, alongside with the expressive avant-garde art projects the paintings of Raoul Kurvitz deserve the greatest attention. “Project MOMENTUM. Paintings, video, and text” presents the artwork created especially for this exhibition. Exhibition opening audience has the opportunity to see over a long time period a new grand performance by Raoul Kurvitz.

With regard to synergy the project involves also other artists: Kiwa will render Raoul Kurvitz’s artworks affinity with musical metaphysics. The poster of the exhibition was created by Marko Kekišev.

Raoul Kurvitz opens the conception of the exhibition as following: “Couple of years ago I noticed, that an extremely disturbing figure similar to the letter M has appeared on my retina hampering the sight. And even worse – it grew constantly threatening smother whole retina. Doctors explained this problem as quite common case of floaters that almost everyone has. Regardless to the explanation the new situation scared me quite a bit, as my left eye is almost blind since my birth.

At the same time I came across with the term Momentum, which was surprisingly new at least to me. First time I heard this term used by famous rock singer Robert Plant during a phone interview I made with him saying: “… momentum was at the 70’s pop culture so powerful that we didn’t had to do anything else but our music”. As it comes out the term momentum is one of the focal terms in physics, but not in use in Estonian terminology of physics. The term is translated as torque, as moment of force, or as impulse, but rarely used to mark momentum or moment as such. Perhaps physicists can elaborate the reasons. In English speaking culture, and most probably in majority of Western culture, the trend of using term momentum as a universal metaphor for expressing varied processes and events from global politics to sport including also Momentum Art Biennales emerged already 10 years ago. Of course the term is at times over mystified for example in stock market contexts.

As a conclusion this “M” was for me a revelation signalizing Momentum. I use this term investigating different manifestations in today’s international politics, military, banking, psychology and other fields with my particular flux-approach. Currently I present a new series of paintings related to the term Momentum. There will be also a performance at the opening. As a remark I would like to point out, that momentum is at the physical formulas marked as p not as M; and this M-like floater started to disappear from my retina.”

Exhibition will be open until 7th of October. Come and visit!