NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Riga Photography Biennial, an international contemporary art event, focusing on the analysis of visual culture and artistic representation, invites to attend discussions, lectures, workshops and films screenings in September.

The term ‘photography’ in the title of the biennial is used as an all-embracing concept encompassing a mixed range of artistic image-making practices that have continued to transform the lexicon of contemporary art in the 21 st century. The biennial covers issues ranging from cultural theory to current socio-political processes in the Baltics and the wider European region. 

In 2020 Riga Photography Biennial has decided to focus on the archaeology of reality, while continuing to trace the development of image culture. Currently image, as one of the carriers of information, has largely lost its documentary representative function. At the same time it has gained autonomy to create and imitate infinite meanings and realities. Rapid technological development has not only brought unprecedented levels of comfort but also changed our consciousness and perception. Whilst orienting ourselves in numerous systems of concurrent realities, we are necessitated to acquire new skills of visual comprehension.

How do we now perceive and experience reality, while the division between physical and digital realities becomes blurred and our communication dominated by the plurality of values and realities? Alongside the traditional archaeological approach, studying layers of our past to reveal new visions and perspectives of today, we also focus on the current layer – the legacy of the digital era.

By offering a wide-ranging programme of exhibitions, discussions, symposium and master classes, the Biennial accentuates the question of if and how we can coexist within the plurality of realities – either by ignoring and running away, or by embracing a shared vision in relation to some object, occurrence or event.

Recommended events:

Secret meeting – workshop with Liga Spunde

September 20 12:00 – 16:00|Riga Art Space

For some time now fake news has become a mundane phenomenon. Most of us are aware of its presence and yet feel confused when confronting it.

The workshop offers an opportunity to fabricate your own fictitious situation, exploring techniques and methods of image and information manipulation. Using various combinations of photo prints, each member will develop his/her own scenario of a secret meeting, acquiring the experience that calls for awareness of the subjectivity of visual information and critical evaluation of the content of visual information encountered on a daily base.

Discussion “Contemporary culture festivals & Urban Development”

September 24 18:00| Online 

A dynamic and diverse culture is undoubtedly an indicator of a healthy urban environment and a certain quality of life. And yet, creating and experiencing art is often still considered a bonus, failing to recognize the role of culture in the socio-economic development of a city. The discussion will focus particularly on city-based international arts and culture festivals.

Find out more about the event on Riga Photography Biennial website.