NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Tête-à-Tête user manual for a chair. From the series "Tête-à-Tête", 2019

145 x 95 cm

Linocut and photopolymer on fabric.

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Performance for a Bothy the Morning After a Thunderstorm. Veelikse, 18th of June 2020. 12 minutes by Hannah Harkes
Performance for a Bothy the Morning After a Thunderstorm. Veelikse, 18th of June 2020. 12 minutes  
42.5 x 62.5 cm
Performance for a River. Rumba, 18th of July 2020. 9 minutes. by Hannah Harkes
Performance for a River. Rumba, 18th of July 2020. 9 minutes.  
42.5 x 62.5 cm
Performance for Seventy-Six Species. Laelatu Wooded Meadow, 18th of July 2020. 17 minutes. by Hannah Harkes
Performance for Seventy-Six Species. Laelatu Wooded Meadow, 18th of July 2020. 17 minutes.  
42.5 x 62.5 cm
Performance for the Wetlands. Rongu Bog, 17th of June 2020. 34 minutes. by Hannah Harkes
Performance for the Wetlands. Rongu Bog, 17th of June 2020. 34 minutes.  
42.5 x 62.5 cm


Currency by Hannah Harkes
2000 x 1927 cm