NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Sunset, 2022

100 x 100 cm

Õlivärv, lõuend, vineer, köis, modelleerimissavi, kips At the heart of my art practice is the biological human body, which for me is the bridge between human as animal and nature. That is why my work is mostly driven by thoughts about human nature or processes of the body. I have realized that through this form I can deal with topics related to living as love or death. For the past few years, I have focused on the relationship between human beings and nature, using the body’s process of decay. I see such processes as a nature ritual. Nature takes back what belongs to it. The collection of works, named “Sunset”, is based on all these ideas. It started with one remnant of a butterfly on a window of a studio room and a bright sunset, which made me think even more about the last moments of the body. Sunset is usually followed by a rise, during which the vanishing form takes on new life forms. Artwork is Master`s degree final work and participates in the graduation exhibition “Tase”.

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