NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Sculptor, 2018

100 x 100 cm

Aluminum, steel, magnets, DC-motors

The work is a kinetic sculpture where a pair of rapidly moving nails are slowly rotating on a ring-shaped path at the center of an aluminum plate. At the same time they are carving circular markings on the plate as they rattle and bounce on it’s surface.

The artist´s comments on the artwork:

“I wanted to create a work that combines slow and fast movement, and a movement that at first seems repetitive but on closer inspection is endlessly varying. Sound is also an important part of the work, as is the fact that the viewer is first faced with the sound and only later discovers what is causing it. I also hold it in high regard that the exhibition visitors are perplexed about how the sculpture technically operates. As often in my works, even though the piece as a whole is a complex structure, the visual aesthetics are minimalistic. Even though I often like to use the gallery space as an element in my works, the MFA shows are thightly packed, thus a work that is placed on a wall functions in this exhibition better.

The work can be experienced simply as a study of movement and sound. On a more poetic level, it can be seen as a mechanical representation of our hectic lives that quickly passes us by, almost as a time-lapse film of the annual cycle. Being titled “Sculptor”, the work can also be seen as a self-carving sculpture, or – as this is my graduating exhibition from the sculpture department – as a self portrait of the artist.”