NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Lidia Boćwińska Emerging artist

Lidia Boćwińska

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania

During my education, I had the opportunity to experiment with creating conceptual books where compositions of typography and/or photography are used to craft coherent stories. It is important that every recipient comprehends and feels the message conveyed through my work. I have profound interests in graphic design, photography and book creation. Outside of studies, I create graphics for the Lithuanian Youth Association in Poland and the World Lithuanian Youth Association. Together with a group of other illustrators, we published the comic “Pyraganos”.


Forgotten in the Box 1 by Lidia Boćwińska
Forgotten in the Box 1  
1 x 1 cm
Forgotten in the Box 2 by Lidia Boćwińska
Forgotten in the Box 2  
1 x 1 cm
Forgotten in the Box 3 by Lidia Boćwińska
Forgotten in the Box 3  
1 x 1 cm

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