NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

SAVAGE (1), 2018

50 x 38 cm

Indian ink on paper

The artist´s comment on the artwork:

“My Master’s project “SAVAGE” consists of two parts. First part includes Indian ink paintings on paper. Human-like shapes are painted in sexual poses. The complicity of body is reduced to minimum leaving seemingly never-ending lines that remind of something between human body and details of a plant.

The second part consists of macro photography of spring blooms and details of plants in extreme closeup. Photographed content reminds of human genitals reflecting on fact that everything in nature is connected and how sexuality exists in nature as in human beings the same.

In my Masters thesis I am studying the expression of sexuality and how it transforms by looking on this aspect from both sides – physical and emotional.”

Painting is part of the author´s MA graduation project at the Art Academy of Latvia.

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SAVAGE (2)  
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SAVAGE (5)  
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SAVAGE (11)  
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SAVAGE (2) by Sabīne Vernere
SAVAGE (2)  
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SAVAGE (8) by Sabīne Vernere
SAVAGE (8)  
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