NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Fine, I'm thanks, 2020

23 x 32 cm

paberkollaaž, paberlõige, raamitud. Tegemist on paberlõikega kolmesest tööde seeriast “Fine, I’m thanks!”. Tööd kõnelevad inimsuhetest kriisiolukorras, mille pingestatus hakkab välja paistma just pisiasjades. Teos on eksponeeritud näitusel “Endast väljas” Arsi Projektiruumis.

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Wallish intervention I by Katariin Mudist
Wallish intervention I  
27 x 150 cm
Wallish intervention II by Katariin Mudist
Wallish intervention II  
24 x 220 cm
Wallish intervention III by Katariin Mudist
Wallish intervention III  
240 x 130 cm
Wallish intervention IIX by Katariin Mudist
Wallish intervention IIX  
12 x 174 cm
Wallish intervention IV by Katariin Mudist
Wallish intervention IV  
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Wallish intervention IX by Katariin Mudist
Wallish intervention IX  
71 x 25 cm
Wallish intervention V by Katariin Mudist
Wallish intervention V  
140 x 52 cm
Wallish intervention VI by Katariin Mudist
Wallish intervention VI  
159 x 260 cm
Wallish intervention VII by Katariin Mudist
Wallish intervention VII  
171 x 232 cm
Wallish intervention X by Katariin Mudist
Wallish intervention X  
88 x 26 cm
Wallish intervention XI by Katariin Mudist
Wallish intervention XI  
61 x 225 cm
Wallish intervention XII by Katariin Mudist
Wallish intervention XII  
100 x 100 cm


Seven Slugs by Katariin Mudist
Seven Slugs  
5 x 12 cm
The letter by Katariin Mudist
The letter  
30 x 21 cm