NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Dzogchen, 2023

400 x 150 cm

modified concrete, acrylic glass

The sculpture “Dzogchen” is made from modified concrete and organic glass with overall size 400x150x205 cm. The work is an illustration of the emptiness of the absolute reality – the matrix. Two arms – the arm of God and the arm of a human are placed on two sides of one screen. The screen on the side of the God’s arm is transparent because everything that exist, is his space of consciousness. The screen side on the human side is a mirror because we only observe our ego reflections. The sculpture is about that it is most difficult to accept the non-existence of our existence and that we are inside high definition virtual reality (the matrix) that seems very real to us but according to the teachings of Dzogchen we don’t exist, because everything is emptiness inside imaginary visions of God. Master’s thesis supervisor professor sculptor Gļebs Panteļejevs. The artwork has been presented in the music Summertime festival in Jurmala 2023.

