NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Do, Hold, Dear, 2023

100 x 100 cm

Ceramic, glazing

The work is a participatory project with clay, where the viewer has the instruction shown below. I. Make a holder for a cotton swab II. Leave it to dry III. Pick one home, that someone else has made During the exhibition, the artist is glazing the sculptures by the viewers and that way they are slowly mixing to the holders made by the artist originally. All the sculptures are photographed individually for a future publication. The work is exploring the themes of utility items in relation to art objects and routines we have around objects. In addition authorship and who makes art are intertwined within the participatory idea. The work will continue its life in peoples everyday life, in different ways and in the publication all the sculptures can be seen together again. More images if the work can be found from the webpage: