NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Divine barrel, 2023

120 x 180 cm
This work has been sold

oil paint and crude oil on canvas

If I could, I would put my childhood in a cistern, which represents a childhood that is not childlike. Through this allegory, I can talk about the feelings that arise when I reflect on my childhood, because it is not warm or bright, it is like oil – viscous and oppressive, overwhelming and intoxicating. I associate it with my youngest days and home. The tanker passing under the windows of the house was the only constant, and I clung to it very much in my chaotic daily life. Every day I knew it would pass, and I watched it until the last, receding wagon, clinging to the oil-painted fence of my grandparents home yard. The fence that separated me from the most pleasant and the most soothing, repetitive sound that was the only certain phenomenon. I believed in it then, and I believe in it today.

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