NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Terje Ojaver

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Terje Ojaver  (born 1955 in Tallinn) is a sculptor, who graduated from the Estonian State Art Insistute in 1985 and has been working as a freelance artist thereafter. During her creative activty she has done figural exhibitions and custom works, performed both at home and abroad; participated in symposia; created monuments for public space, for example J. Laidoner sculpture with a horse. In last ten years she has been using herself for portraying. Heads, hands, legs of the sculptures are silicone cast taken from herself, that she puts on her works with different body language and emotion. Themes of her works often deal with being a woman, responsibility, loneliness and mortality. She has also done land-art works, for example in rosary of Tallinn Botanical Garden, Belgium, France etc. Her video installations “Hoia mind” (Hold me) and “Sisyphose pruut” (Bride of Sisyphose) have gain attention. Ojaver is a member of the Estonian Sculptors´ Union.


Self-portrait as a tortoise by Terje Ojaver
Self-portrait as a tortoise  
75 x 125 cm
Jumping Over the Shadows  by Terje Ojaver
Jumping Over the Shadows  
265 x 90 cm
A Woman with Gold Embroidery by Terje Ojaver
A Woman with Gold Embroidery  
80 x 200 cm
A woman on a wood chipper by Terje Ojaver
A woman on a wood chipper  
140 x 150 cm


Beast by Terje Ojaver
199 x 300 cm

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