NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Siim Hanikat

Siim Hanikat

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Siim Hanikat has studied in Estonian Art Academy Open Academy and in TLÜ BFM. Most of the works are female figures with different kinds of mediums – from pencil to graffiti. His works are interesting, colorful and alive. Viewer can feel that he is searching the perfect lines and corners that makes the painting whole. His paintings has a bold choice of colour which blends beautifully with lots of black what he uses “trigger happily” Those female paintings are hiding the truth – viewer needs to ask for themselves that if this “lady” in the picture is happy or sad or in between. Paintings are inspired by the daily things and songs what he hears or sees. Author has hide into the paintings different kind of hidden messages, where he is from or what he thought that day. These little hidden messages gives the work a whole new meaming when the viewer is solving those mysteries.


MIRACLE by Siim Hanikat
90 x 60 cm

Mixed media

PAIN IS FUEL by Siim Hanikat
120 x 100 cm
NO RISK, NO STORY by Siim Hanikat
70 x 50 cm

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