NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Gasparas Zondovas

Gasparas Zondovas

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania

I am an interdisciplinary artist from Vilnius, Lithuania. In 2022 I finished Vilnius Academy of Arts Graphics department. My interests are in design, sculpture, animation, typography, graffiti, video art. Since 2019 I am Intern with a video artist Rudolfas Levulis ( where we experiment with micro-filming technology. The essential use of this technology is for high-precision filming, video capture of micro objects or processes invisible to the naked eye.

My graduation project “Enthusiasm” is my first solo exhibition. I managed to curate the architecture of the exhibition, where it required knowledge of physics, composition, sense of rhythm and controlling the surroundings.


Meta by Gasparas Zondovas
38 x 47 cm

Mixed media

Love by Gasparas Zondovas
98 x 55 cm

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