NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Pavel Kašutin

Pavel Kašutin

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Pavel Kašutin (1994) spent his childhood in a small village of Suurpea in Harjumaa, Estonia. He is selfthought and does not have an advance degree in art. His creative works are influenced by complex realationships with his father and his own peers. He sees himself as searching for beauty in unpleasent topics. For self-expression he uses a variety of mediums like acrylic paints and pastels.

Street Art

Medusa by Pavel Kašutin
80 x 60 cm
La Vénus de club by Pavel Kašutin
La Vénus de club  
100 x 50 cm
Caesar by Pavel Kašutin
100 x 50 cm

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