NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Kunstnik LAURi

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Laura Puusepp’s artist name is LAURi and she has been studying in The Estonian Academy of Arts for three years, during which she has had eight group exhibitions. She has received the third prize for The Estonian Young Sculptor Awards. She feels the proudest for her installation “100” which was chosen for The Estonian Artists’ Association Spring Exhibition and also received media attention. Another work she has been pleased with is titled “Kontvõõras” and it was also chosen for The Young Sculpture Awards exhibition.


Kontvõõras by Kunstnik LAURi
500 x 100 cm


100 by Kunstnik LAURi
550 x 350 cm
100 by Kunstnik LAURi
110 x 111 cm
The Patient/ Zine nr4 by Kunstnik LAURi
The Patient/ Zine nr4  
255 x 392 cm

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