NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Amanda Hunt

Amanda  Hunt

Artist's country of origin: Finland

A. Hunt is an artist originally from the U.S., now based in Helsinki, FI. They make work at the intersection of Live Art and Sculpture, performing with their visual materials in performances. While in the U.S., significant exhibitions included works at The Queens Museum, Danspace Project, Grace Exhibition Space, and The Knockdown Center (NYC). While residing in Finland, Hunt has shown at NoMad House Helsinki,

JokiStudio, VapaanTaiteen Tila, and Vantaa Art Museum, with an upcoming exhibition at Titanik Gallery. Hunt hold an MFA in Sculpture from Kuva (UniArts Helsinki). Recent awards include Paulon Saatio, and Oscar Oflunds Stilfese. At the core, Hunt makes sculptures to perform with in live art occasions to consider how we take space together.


Liminal Instruments II by Amanda  Hunt
Liminal Instruments II  
230 x 120 cm
Liminal Instruments III by Amanda  Hunt
Liminal Instruments III  
100 x 100 cm

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