NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

We are very happy to announce the winners of the MyEstonia? competition:

I place award, 1000 € – Lena Schwingshandl, Martyna Kosiarz and Alexandra Mitterhuber (Austria/Poland) “Windows Exhibitions”

II place award, 500 € – Sandra Strele (Latvia) “Melancholic progress”

III place award, 200 € – Natálie Rajnišova (Czech Republic) “Eesti saared”/”Estonian Islands”

Winner of the Public Choice Award, 300 € –  Valentyn Odnoviun (Ukraine/Lithuania) “Prison Cell Door Spyhole. KGB Prison, Tallinn, Estonia”

In the context of Estonia´s 100th anniversary celebrations, ‘My Estonia?’ competition called for reflections on this country through the eyes of foreigners – students and recent graduates of art academies all over Europe. For some participants, Estonia is a chapter of their lives, for others it evoked more arbitrary associations or Malevich “Black Square” type of interpretations. All in all, the competition aimed to accommodate a wide array of playful approaches.

Altogether 56 participants from all over Europe took part in the competition – in addition to Estonia´s neighbouring countries also from Italy, Poland, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Portugal and Belgium.

The winners were selected by a jury that involved Jaanus Rohumaa, Head of the Organising Committee of Estonia 100, Sonata Baliuckaitė, Artistic Director of ArtVilnius, Kadri Uus and Andra Orn, founders of contemporary art platform. Winner of 300 € Public Choice Award was decided by ca 700 people participating in online voting from 28 June until 12 July 2018.

A selection of artworks participating in the competition was exhibited in ArtVilnius art fair on 7-10 June 2018, in front of a ca 30 000 visitors and art professionals from all over the world.

The competition was organised by contemporary art platform as part of Estonia100 cultural programme.

Have a look at the works that participated in the competition HERE


I place award: Lena Schwingshandl, Martyna Kosiarz and Alexandra Mitterhuber (Austria/Poland) “Windows Exhibitions”, 2017. Photography on cardboard; the artwork consists of photos, 20 postcards and guiding exhibition map


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II place award: Sandra Strele (Latvia) “Melancholic progress”, 2018, 296x600cm, mixed media


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III place award: Natálie Rajnišova (Czech Republic) “Eesti saared”/”Estonian Islands”, 2017, ceramics (7 pieces, varying sizes – largest 5×15 cm)


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Winner of the Public Choice Award: Valentyn Odnoviun (Ukraine/Lithuania) “Prison Cell Door Spyhole. KGB Prison, Tallinn, Estonia”, 2017, 73 x 60 cm, digital C-print, dibond