NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Since March, 10 the 2021 edition of Today Is Our Tomorrow is a month-long program available at PUBLICS and through various online platforms.

An annual transdisciplinary festival, Today is Our Tomorrow is taking a different form and location each year, supports intersectional ecologies and diversity of thoughts, of practices, of identities, and their experiences through its collaborative methodology and co-productive commissioning approach. Today is already our tomorrow, and now is the time when we need to take care of one another, to share our many dreams, and to look after our collective future imaginaries. The festival is initiated by PUBLICS; the Helsinki-based curatorial agency and educational resource. 

in 2021, three Baltic organisations The Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Narva Art Residency and NAC of Vilnius Academy of Arts in collaboration with PUBLICS have co-commissioned new works with artists Agnė Jokšė, Sandra Kosorotova, Anni Puolakka and Marta Trektere. Each of these works explore cohabitational practices, and ways of living and being together, giving shape and form to a more cooperative, compassionate, and just world.

WEEDS FEED! is a tactile publication compiled by Sandra Kosorotova. From an in-depth study on food capitalism and land stewardship, to fermental health and the possibility of feeding each other, these pieces encompass ideas of care-taking as an artistic practice; how we can transform excess energy into a rewarding co-existence of humans and other-than-humans.

Unconditional Love by Agnė Jokšė is a video work and an ongoing inquiry into entangled cross-generational family relations and their role in the claim of kinship. It consists of several interlinked chapters, exploring themes related to care, compassion, and love through the lens of intergenerational relations that are constituted in parallel to the societal and political changes taking place in Lithuania around the 1990s when transitioning from the Soviet Union and its economic and ideological models into the independent state of today.

Oestrus Youth is a collaborative performance by Anni Puolakka and Marta Trektere who have worked jointly since 2018 supplementing, interacting, supporting and curating each other’s work. The performance will take place through Instagram stories of PUBLICS, LCCA and the artists and will mash-up two performances in which both artists are involved in each other’s work as a visiting performer and a supporter. Oestrus Youth explores collaboration, trust and hybridity as meaningful tools to cope with the human condition.

Visit Today Is Our Tomorrow website for the schedule