NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Ieva Viese-Vigula Noor kunstnik

Ieva Viese-Vigula

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Läti

Born in 1987 Ieva Viese-Vigula has steadily found herself in the field of visual arts as an interdisciplinary author who enjoys combining media including audiovisual projections, poetry and sculptural objects. First educated as a film critic and writer, through her scholarly research and practice she explored the relationships between words and images, text and adaptation, medium and message. She pursued her explorations with studies in the department Movement. Image. Sound in Art Academy of Latvia, that she completed in 2023 with thesis work “In Saecula Saeculorum”. During studies, she focused on questioning the basic principles of movement, form, dimension, repetition and how they relate to human presence and emotion. She has combined sculptural objects, poetry and works of moving image in exhibitions and performances. Parallel to her studies Ieva Viese-Vigula is teaching Color Psychology in RISEBA University of Applied Sciences and is one of the three artists currently running artist curated experimental gallery space DOM. From autumn of 2023, she has enrolled in the Master’s program POST in the Art Academy of Latvia.


In Saecola Saeculorum - Ieva Viese-Vigula
In Saecola Saeculorum, 2023  
100 x 100 cm

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