NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Ella Mežule Noor kunstnik

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Läti

Ella Mežule (1991) holds a Master of Arts in the Humanities, she has studied in Latvia (Art academy of Latvia), Ireland (in National College of Art and Design) and in Italy (in Accademia di Belle Arte di Napoli). Her works can be found in many private collections in Latvia, Lithuania, Italy, France, USA, Ireland, Russia and Kyrgyzstan.

Mežules work is based on mundane surrounding observations in different planes of perception from which she forms an artwork idea before embodying it in material. The created atmospheric space would allow the viewer to dive into his own personal inner space, take a breath and observe oneself. Therefore is created a world that one doesn’t control, but it combines elements that allows it – to rise above the mundane self and take a look from another perspective.

Everyday life is reflected through one’s inner emotional states allowing these subjective experiences to deform the surrounding environment. In deconstructed reality the surrounding world is portrayed as an extension of individual perception.


Puudub ajapuudus - Ella Mežule
Puudub ajapuudus  
25 x 15 cm
Üksindus ei ole üksi - Ella Mežule
Üksindus ei ole üksi  
192 x 154 cm
Meie pajupuu - Ella Mežule
Meie pajupuu  
30 x 30 cm
Morning we carry - Ella Mežule
Morning we carry  
120 x 131 cm
Samblakivi inimene - Ella Mežule
Samblakivi inimene  
25 x 20 cm
Soe hommikukohv ja märkmed ajalehe asemel - Ella Mežule
Soe hommikukohv ja märkmed ajalehe asemel  
28 x 19 cm


Biased objects - Ella Mežule
Biased objects  
100 x 90 cm
Onions have only peels - Ella Mežule
Onions have only peels  
200 x 200 cm
Partly presence - Ella Mežule
Partly presence  
90 x 190 cm
Plastic stelas - Ella Mežule
Plastic stelas  
18 x 14 cm
Exposition of installation - Ella Mežule
Exposition of installation  
1000 x 1000 cm
Exposition of installation - Ella Mežule
Exposition of installation  
37 x 70 cm

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