NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Hermanni Härmälä Noor kunstnik

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Soome

Hermanni Härmälä (b.1998, Masku) lives and works in Helsinki, Finland. He is finishing his BFA degree in 2023 in painting at Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts. He begins his MFA in sculpting in 2024. He has exhibited his work in group shows at Amos Rex art museum, Vapaan Taiteen Tila and Kuva/Tila galleries. Härmälä works with different mediums, but currently the materiality of painting has played a pivotal role in his work. This has led him to exhibit sculptures alongside his paintings. In both fields he examines the interplay of negative space in perception and how it can reveal the invisible through the visible.


Nimeämätön (left without a title) - Hermanni Härmälä
Nimeämätön (left without a title), 2023  
226 x 160 cm


Nimeämätön (left without a title) - Hermanni Härmälä
Nimeämätön (left without a title), 2023  
27 x 39 cm

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