NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Zirku III, 2024

220 x 180 cm

Steel, aluminum, thread, fabric, projector , video.

Zirku III takes a different approach of presenting the enslaved people history and oral history. It consists of metal structure of an oil rig and video projection installation inside the structure. I approach the work through term ‘parahistory’, which was introduced by Roy Sorensen in 1987, to represent “the study of genuinely anachronistic artifact delivered by time travel”. This theory of history reflects on finding both the personal and the universal relations through the merging of time, history, and the process of finding the archives with current times. The sculpture piece sits in between two videos and covered in black fabric.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Zirku I - Ameena Aljerman Alali
Zirku I  
122 x 76 cm
Far & Few, far & few - Ameena Aljerman Alali
Far & Few, far & few  
122 x 76 cm