NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Windows Exhibitions, 2017

9 x 14 cm

Photography on Cardboard
The artwork consists of photos, 20 postcards and guiding exhibition map
Price: a 50 EUR

In a nutshell „Window exhibition“ is a public window exhibition curated by Lena Schwingshandl, Martyna Kosiarz and Alexandra Mitterhuber.

The artists’ comment on the artwork:
“Submissions were not necessary for the selection process of the artworks. The concept was to search for the best arranged window displays by taking walks in Tallinn. Shedding the role of artist we became: the Jury, the Curators and the audience. Each stroll through the City was the creation of an invisible museum of more or less intentional exhibits of private home and flat windows.

Amazed by the special compositions, surprising materials and sometimes particular big effort the owners put into creating them, we treated the things displayed in the windows as if they were part of art installations, which the window-owners put on show for us, for the public. One of the surprising elements in this works consists in the unawareness that three art exchange students, from Austria & Poland, would be passing by and giving a judgmental inspection to the meeting point of: inside/outside, home/world and private/ public. Because of the artists decision to become jury and curator, they declared something private, something coincidental to be art.

The exhibition is documented in form of photographs. Each window got printed out as a postcard, provided with a personal message on the back, for the owners of the most impressive windows. This served as feedback, review and critique for this more or less consciously done artworks. Additionally the postcard makes it possible to share the appreciation while still staying outside the window, not crossing the border, respecting the distance.

To open our exhibition to other visitors, we created a guiding map to give the special windows the chance to be seen by a wider audience. Though this process the role of the three artist as artists was reinstated.

Our project was a way of getting to know the people and the city, a very calm and cautious way. Suitable to the northern mentality where we felt so much at home.”






The Tallinn windows exhibition map – backside

The Tallinn windows exhibition map – frontside