NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

The Islands, With Love, 2024

170 x 140 cm

oil on canvas

In this painting I wanted to express the feeling of being close to the sea, even if the sea would not be under our eyes. The painting shows a view that could be from any archipelago, only the mountains visible in the backround break the illusion. As a source to this painting I used photographs from two islands I’ve visited, from Kökar in Åland and from Senja in Norway, so the painting is full of the uncertain or even nervous feelings of being in a new place. Anyway, the painting depicts two children hiding in the foliage of trees and I wanted to make them look like to be part of the environment in a relaxed way. The question about human being’s place in her environment arises again. The painting has been on display in Kuvan Kevät 2024.

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Once Upon a Time in Jollas - Raana Lehtinen
Once Upon a Time in Jollas  
140 x 190 cm