NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Series of photo-objects , 2020

999 x 999 cm

digital photography, sizes varie.

Mat board “Plica ex plica” is a series of photo-objects that was completed as the practical work for my MA thesis at the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2020. The layered photographs could be also called topographical or tectonic photographs due to both their conceptual and technical structure – printed photographs have been attached to black cardboard and I have cut the elements with laser cutter in the Prototyping Lab at the Estonian Academy of Arts. The cutout elements of various sizes have been constructed on top of one another. The photo-objects depict one specific domestic object – a light pink satin blanket – that I call my raw material, the main subject of study of my artistic research. The photo-objects are produced in a variety of sizes and can be installed and exhibited in various combinations. Every layer or plateau of my photo-object series “Plica ex plica” provides the adjoining layer with a different force or tension – a seemingly declining layer could hide an immense, explosive force. I yearn to access the space between language, material, memories and affects. My raw material combines the blanket and my mother – from which I coin the term “blanket-mother” that reminds me of a convolute bedding in geology. Whereas in sedimentary rock the phenomenon takes place over thousands of years, the blanket-mother was a convolute that occurred in a day. I kept witnessing how the blanket reappeared and how my mother kept disappearing. The blanket represents a paradoxical situation while simultaneously covering the subject that is most revealed (hiding the real, revealing the illusory). The best blanket for me is thus an empty blanket. Through this process of becoming, the blanket was becoming a part of mother and vice versa, also hosting an inbetween space.

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Series of photo-objects  - Maris Karjatse
Series of photo-objects  
9999 x 9999 cm
Series of photo-objects  - Maris Karjatse
Series of photo-objects  
999 x 999 cm
Series of photo-objects  - Maris Karjatse
Series of photo-objects  
999 x 999 cm


Series of photo-objects - Maris Karjatse
Series of photo-objects  
999 x 999 cm