NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Mit Freundin in Rauch, 2020

30 x 40 cm

silver gelatin photographic paper. I am attracted to all light expression – from elusive light plays to reflections, refractions, still light, moving light, natural and artificial lights. Light as it reveals and models forms, and light as it creates an illusion of space. The photographic darkroom is a virtual world of darkness that invites me to look inward and form inner events on light-sensitive material.

Fotol on näidis ning tegu ei ole konkreetse eksemplariga. Tiraažist konkreetset tiražeeringu numbrit me ei taga, juhul kui kirjelduses ei ole märgitud teisiti.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Her Language V II - Elvira Akzigitova
Her Language V II  
50 x 29 cm
Her Language V III - Elvira Akzigitova
Her Language V III  
52 x 32 cm
NOVA - Elvira Akzigitova
30 x 23 cm


Untitled - Elvira Akzigitova
37 x 30 cm