NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Kaikki nuoret tyypit / All the young dudes, 2020

130 x 990 cm

A small table, ceramics: Stoneware, porcelain, glazes, ceramic decals, luster, candle The work is a part of the installation Kaikki nuoret tyypit / All the young dudes. The work Kaikki nuoret tyypit / All the young dudes is an nostalgic homage to a public park situated in Helsinki, located between the Museum of contemporary art Kiasma and the Parliament House. The work takes place approximately in year 2005, when this park, titled “Kiasman nurtsi” (which translates to: “Kiasma’s lawn”) was a common place to hang out for young people: especially people identifying with different subcultures. The park had a unique group of users and was somewhat known throughout the country in the alternative scene. In this part of the installation I have depicted the former train tunnel that is located right next to the Parliament House. This tunnel used to be nicknamed “kusitunneli”, which translates loosely as “piss tunnel”, as it was formerly used as an unofficial public toilet. On top of the tunnel I have placed porcelain vases or candle holders, that depict skateboarders and dogs. The dogs serve as a metaphor for the unity between young people. Nowadays the tunnel has been transformed to a bike lane going through the city. This work was a part of my MFA degree show installation held in Exhibition Laboratory, Helsinki, October 2020. Image credit: Veera Konsti.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Verevanne aias - Maisa Majakka
Verevanne aias  
22 x 18 cm
Sinine Pluus - Maisa Majakka
Sinine Pluus  
72 x 25 cm
Niche 1 & Niche 2 - Maisa Majakka
Niche 1 & Niche 2  
38 x 20 cm
Kes on õnneseen - Maisa Majakka
Kes on õnneseen  
27 x 60 cm


Drunk girl - Maisa Majakka
Drunk girl  
28 x 999 cm
Kaikki nuoret tyypit / all the young dudes - Maisa Majakka
Kaikki nuoret tyypit / all the young dudes  
75 x 185 cm
Lecons de vol - Maisa Majakka
Lecons de vol  
25 x 999 cm
Makasiinien palo - Maisa Majakka
Makasiinien palo  
34 x 999 cm
Riding Goofy II - Maisa Majakka
Riding Goofy II  
17 x 20 cm