NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Game Changer (Tightening), 2020

204 x 154 cm

cotton, acrylic, string, polyester, polyurethane

The work has double layer of wood, so that the easel form grows backwards. Highlight fabric is pushing out in between the wood layers. The work has strong pull on two points, shifting the active happenings of the work towards the edges.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Claude´s Glass (Landscape) - Mia Saharla
Claude´s Glass (Landscape)  
27 x 21 cm
Euphoria - Mia Saharla
212 x 172 cm
Stretch (Runner´s Painting) - Mia Saharla
Stretch (Runner´s Painting)  
47 x 130 cm