NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Euphoria, 2020

212 x 172 cm

acrylic, ink, polyester, linen, nails

“I aim to a physical experience of the work. Using industrial sports materials I combine the context of contemporary painting to sports, physicality. I connect the work to the tradition of landscape painting – as something contemporary, way of experiencing the surroundings.”

The painting is sold to a private Finnish collection, hosting works by many big names of the Finnish contemporary painting scene.


Veel sellelt kunstnikult


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Claude´s Glass (Landscape)  
27 x 21 cm
Game Changer (Tightening) - Mia Saharla
Game Changer (Tightening)  
204 x 154 cm
Stretch (Runner´s Painting) - Mia Saharla
Stretch (Runner´s Painting)  
47 x 130 cm