NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Barricade, 2020

280 x 180 cm


The artwork “Barricade” is an installation made from 43 sculptural objects resembling sandbags. It is both a study and an illustration of the militant-like divide of “high” and “low” culture that began with the jump-start of consumerism in the 17th century and is still prevalent to this day. Consumerism surrounds us with a barricade that on one hand shields us from a rugged world and on the other hand fills it with clutter, fripperies and an excess of vanity. This system is one of the most relevant subjects that has more opponents than proponents. There is no lack of topics on this matter, thus the work is based on a subject influenced by consumerism and clearly recognized in culture. We live in a time in which people and their artistic energy unleash a stream of creation that is difficult to compare, deny or approve. Every artwork has its own consumer who has his own individual demands and comprehension that divides art twofold. A competition or a confrontation? A silent war or a peaceful mutuality? This work is an attempt to illustrate our view on this militant occurrence which demands an impartial overview to make sense of it, not only to ridicule it. In other words it is a must to sit on both sides of the barricade and contemplate on the subjective divide of high and low culture. Which, in summary is an expression of rational conflict that is natural in society and benefits it.