NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Bab-ilo, 2023

240 x 180 cm

Installation Bab-ilu, composed of a panel with an abstraction made from a mixture of sand and coal, benches, a cast metal object in the shape of the word ‘virtue’, wires, a satellite dish and antennas brought by locals. The work, referencing the Babel story, was exhibited in the administrative building of the Užpaliai manor. How is the manor’s memory managed? Rebuilt manors in the countryside encourage tourism. They become venues for concerts and theatrical performances, festivals of flowers and gentry cuisine, re-enactment tours, and family celebrations, among other activities. The restored manors make beautiful images of a time gone by as a background for these pursuits. Some host community centres, artist residencies, or places propagating slower living.

Historically, Užpaliai used to have a royal manor. The landlords were constantly changing and moving from manor to manor when resources were exhausted. The interior of the manor has been restored as a white cube that directs attention to the objects currently exhibited there. Even if ‘Akcija (2)’ questions this kind of exhibition, choosing this space for a work about multiplicity (the multitude of languages in the story of Babel and people who brought the antennas) and the broadcasting of connection encourages the hope that white walls and wealthy households may become a place for gatherings of different stories and experiences. In the piece by Kolomyckis, sound was referenced through the field of imagination. — Explict from the annotation written by Julija Šilytė


Photos by Alanas Gurinas

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Pardon-me not - Denisas Kolomyckis
Pardon-me not  
240 x 180 cm