NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

A buzzing of fascina, 2020

999 x 999 cm

“A buzzing” is the artists proposed collective noun for fascina. Fascina a posher word for dildo, chosen for its etymological connection to fascinate and general obscurity. I found that neither dildo nor fascinum, (singular of fascina) had a collective noun. A language blank to fill in. The joining of dead flies and a pink dildo creates a stark image which might bring people to think about death, futility and our attempts to find pleasure and joy during the time we live. The phrase “le petit mort” is not far of as a quick joke.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Gold of the gaps - Jan Christoffer Rutström
Gold of the gaps  
12 x 10 cm
Hair of the dog - Jan Christoffer Rutström
Hair of the dog  
20 x 7 cm
Hold my beard - Jan Christoffer Rutström
Hold my beard  
20 x 7 cm


What is art? Baby don’t hurt me - Jan Christoffer Rutström
What is art? Baby don’t hurt me  
999 x 999 cm


Clap(with reverberation)/simple_music - Jan Christoffer Rutström
Clap(with reverberation)/simple_music  
100 x 100 cm
Side-step critique and repeat - Jan Christoffer Rutström
Side-step critique and repeat  
100 x 100 cm