NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Architectural Lighting and Light Art Festival Tartu in Light, TAVA2020 announce the open call for both Estonian and international artists and designers to create city space light installations and to lead IALD architectural lighting workshops. Everyone who is fascinated by the beauty achieved by light, as well as by the practical value creation of the city space, are invited to apply. The deadline for the applications is 15.02.2020.

TAVA2020 understands the importance of sustainability in everyday life and therefore, the art of a light festival should support the ideas of reusability, detachability, changeability, flexibility. Within the framework of the festival, a Light Road will be opened on October 28-31, which will bear the overall title Light Games in the City.

“In order for the urban space to change, people’s views must change first. Temporary artistic intervention in urban space is an ideal manner to introduce new possibilities. “Light Games in the City” invites the public to discover their city from a different angle, to offer material for thought and joy of discovery. In order to emphasize playfulness and social diversity, we have chosen small utopian arrangements of our own in the heart of Tartu city centre to become the locations of light installations,” explains Andra Orn, the curator of TAVA2020 city-space installations. Read more about applying here.

As a part of the TAVA2020 festival, there will be three architectural lighting design workshops carried out in the public space and inner city of Tartu. The goal of the workshops is to give students, lighting design enthusiasts and professional lighting designers a “hands-on“ experience, from concept development to construction of installations, as well as training on key lighting design topics. The workshops will be led by internationally renowned IALD lighting designers. The installations prepared during the workshops are major attractions of the TAVA2020 Light Path.

“TAVA2020 workshops will focus on highlighting Tartu cityscape and expanding the public space at night-time. They offer an opportunity to convert night-time public space to a cosy place frequented by many people by creating night sights. We will be painting on the canvas of darkness with light and colour in places that have been waiting to be revived, highlighted and discovered,” said Eva Tallo and Marko Kuusik, curators of TAVA2020 workshops. Read more about the application process here.