NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Estonian artist Tanja Muravskaja opens her personal exhibition “Hero” tomorrow on 19th of October in Tartu Art House. The topic of the exhibition parallels the soldiers of NATO with young Estonians from the youth corps of the Estonian Defence League.

Topic of the exhibition is connected to the situation in nowadays world. Nobody wants the next war to begin, still every day we are able to see preparations and joint exercises where soldiers from different countries are participating.

The author wants to bring a message that Estonian media paints too positive picture of our future. “Threatening language, instigations of ward and the refugee crisis are our everyday reality,” says Muravskaja. 

Muravskaja holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in photography. She has had many personal exhibitions in Estonia and abroad.

The exhibition “Hero” will be open in Tartu Art house until the 12th of November.


Source: Photo and text: Facebook event of “Tanja Muravskaja: Kangelane / Hero”.