NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

December is an excellent month to see Estonian art and design in Paris. Just this moment many artists and designers are there with their works. On 7th December opens the travelling exhibition of Estonian design at the culture centre La Cite de la Mode et du Design. Also, the most famous and mysterious Estonian street artist Edward von Lõngus is creating his series of Old-Estonians on the streets of Paris.

Travelling exhibition “Size Doesn’t Matter” represents over 50 Estonian designers. It includes a wide variety of design: furniture, accessories, textile and also bicycles. The curator of the exhibition is Ilona Gurjanova and it has previously been in Brussels, Tallinn, Vienna, Stockholm, Caen and London. The purpose is to introduce Estonian design and designers to international audience.

Also Edward von Lõngus has arrived to Paris. Just before the holidays he is colouring the streets of Paris with his street art works. His works will be there to spice up the city’s walls and give out the Estonian vibe. But everything about his project in Paris is not revealed yet, so stay tuned for more news! Previously on his tour, Lõngus has visitied Copenhagen, Brussels, Rome, Tallinn and Berlin.



Source: ERR. Pariisis avatakse Eesti disaini tutvustav rändnäitus (Kaspar Viilup). Facebook’s page of Edward von Lõngus. Photo:  Facebook’s page of Edward von Lõngus.