NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The changed world has opened new opportunities. Due to travel restrictions, several physical events have established also online presents that allows everyone interested to take part in exhibitions and shows regardless of the geographical location. osloBiennale: First Edition 2019-2024 also has moved a part of the program online and invites everyone to join in!

“Notes on a Memorial” by Jonas Dahlberg

20th August 2020 is the last chance to watch the film “Notes on a Memorial” by Jonas Dahlberg online at ‘Notes on a Memorial’ is a film about the process and politics around the 3-4 years working on the memorials for the July 22, 2011 massacre.

In 2014, artist Jonas Dahlberg won the government competition to create the national memorials for the July 22, 2011 massacre. Notes on a Memorial is a film about the process, debate and politics around the project, resulting in the cancellation of the planned memorials.

Available: 20 July – 20 August
Length: 30 minutes

Read the script for Jonas Dahlberg’s film
Notes on a Memorial from 2018

Another Grammar for Oslo – online drawing workshops

In August/ September, artists Mônica Nador and Bruno Oliveira, invite you to participate in a series of digital drawing workshops.osloBIENNALEN offers tow online drawing classes with Brazilian artists Mônica Nador and Bruno Oliveira. The classes are due on 17 – 26 August and 25 August – 3 September, and are a part of the artist’s osloBIENNALEN project, “Another grammar for Oslo”, where they collect drawings and stories from Oslo into a unique collection of esthetic explorations.

More information here