NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The Great Art Day at Vabaduse väljak, well-known from Tallinn Art Week and one of the broadest selections of art presentations in Estonia, will take place as part of Tallinn Biennial today Sunday, 5 July at 12–7pm.

Art performances and musical performances, fun workshops and exciting meetings with artists will take place throughout the day. A lot of new art and artistic thoughts will be provoked! The day will be led by Ingrid Peek, music played by Aleksander Krjukov. Participation is free for all.

Estonian art organisations and galleries will present their activities. For example, from the capital Positiiv Gallery have emerged from their usual spaces and are participating at the art day with close up shots of the facades of wooden building districts on the edge of the city by Kristel Schwede; OKAPI Gallery will present the underwater glass art photographs by Maarja Mäemets and Rait Lõhmus; Bach Art Gallery will present the emotional portraits by Aino Bach, nature themed prints by Kaija Kesa and the three-dimensional proofs inspired by the urban environment and collages based on recycling principles by Helen Tago.

As in previous years, art organisations from further afield are also represented. For example Tartu Art House will represent Albert Gulk, whose works are characterised by a very specific style of drawing in which the artist doesn’t use models or the help of photographs, instead relying fully on forms in his visual memory; Viljandi City Gallery will bring the young and raw approach of the local art school to the biennial; Võru County Museum will present Kadri Toom’s graphic cityscape skeletons and Evelyn Grzinich’s drawings and experiments on the subjects of environment, movement and nature.

There will also be original musical performances; for example, by the Tallinn duo Vera Vice, whose music is a combination of dreamy pop, poetic ambient sounds and hypnotising vocal repetitions, and Fremen, from a Tallinn based Polish producer, composer and performer, who creates contemporary musical rituals as a counter to the self-destructive tendency of society. Artist Tarrvi Laamann will have a performance on the terrace of KuKu Club during which he will cover a canvas with colours and contrasts inspired by the life and nature of Jamaica with local folk music (i.e. reggae).

Artists Mall Paris, Tuuli Puhvel, Eero Ijavoinen, Kerstin Rei and Kristjan Kalde will participate with a joint exhibition. Galleries and organisations participating are A-Art Gallery, Art & Tonic, Staapli 3 Art Gallery, Bach Art Gallery, Positiiv Gallery, Metropol Gallery, Sveta, Tartu Art House, OKAPI Gallery, Viljandi City Gallery and Art School, Rüki Gallery, Solaris Gallery, The Association of Estonian Printmakers, Gallery 3.14, Võru County Museum, Kogo Gallery and Tallinn Art Space.

Edward von Lõngus’ exhibition “Doomsday Cathedral” at Ülemiste City, “Artists Crisis Centre” at the ARS Art Factory Project Space, an exhibition of paintings at Solaris Gallery, the project “drowning” by Kärt Hammer and Patrick Soome at ArtDepoo, “Truth and Justice: the elderly” by Raul Meel at Telliskivi Creative City’s Outdoor Gallery are also all open on Sunday 5 July.

The programme for the biennial is accessible at and as a hard copy from the information point in Solaris Center.

This year’s Tallinn Biennial will take place 2–30 July. The almost month-long programme includes many extraordinary art events, exhibition tours and performances. The main organisers of the biennial is from Nordic Baltic Art Center NOBA MTÜ. The main sponsors of the art event are, Solaris and Ülemiste City.