NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Kaija Põhako-Esko and Tõnu Esko “Trinity – Science. Art. Fiction.”

The exhibition “Trinity - Science. Art. Science Fiction. ” is curated by Kaija Põhako-Esko and Tõnu Esko. The aim of the exhibition is to touch the technical and ethical boundaries of modern science through art. The areas in question can be conditionally divided into two: the inner space, which includes…


Photo exhibition "Möirg" by fantasy photographer Terje Talts is open in the sauna house. "The exhibition is designed with the Nordic male and the near-natural, disappearing fur-like male species," says the author of the exhibition and adds "The photos mark masculinity, courage, naturalness and humor, and the venue is chosen …


The exhibition “Revenge.”, Curated by Vahur Afanasyev. Although the writer has also addressed the issue of revenge in the saga of the life of the Old Believers, "Serafima and Bogdan", he does not associate the exhibition with the content of the novel, but invites diverse creators to study revenge.

Valts Miķelsons and Indrek Grigor “Wanderlust”

The sixth summer season of Voronja Gallery is curated by two Riga-based curators and art critics Valts Miķelsons and Indrek Grigor, who will introduce to the gallery new-media artists from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. But the exhibition titled Wanderlust will not so much centre on media as on the ever-changing …